3 signs you are the only one giving your all in a relationship

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Before I get on with the signs, I want to really clear this misconception about sensitive people and the whole concept of ‘being the sensitive one’ in a relationship. Being sensitive is looked upon as something negative. When you think about the word, you immediately judge them as someone who creates a lot of drama and someone you need to be cautious with because they might feel something you didn’t mean or didn’t want them to feel. I don’t deny for all that to be untrue, it is mostly correct but what I disagree with is the fact that we only talk about these negative qualities.

Sensitive people are great partners when it comes to making you feel better or putting in that extra emotional effort. They’ll be the ones who would go that extra mile to make things special, no matter how much effort and sacrifice that requires. They will put you before anything in their lives and that’s why they expect the same from you.
So we have heard this, since forever, relationships are all about give and take, right? There is one word they miss out from this statement that actually is the real truth. Relationships are all about give and take, “EQUALLY”.

A relationship will always have problems if one is doing more than the other. People can let go of it when they give more than what they receive, with sensitive people it becomes even a greater deal.
So read on. Here are some signs that will tell if you really are the more sensitive one, good or bad, you decide!

Only you remembers everything first

This one is a HUGE tell sign. Sensitive people will try and always remember birthdays, anniversaries etc. You are the one who remembers the first time you met, the first time you thought they were the one, the first thing you got each other, the first time you fought.

Even the first time one of you forgot all these first-times!
Also celebrating them, may it be a flower or a gift, just something special to mark that day. It is a big deal and your other half is in trouble if something comes up one of these special days and you both can’t really do something special that day! Again, dates and days are very important to them.

You love every little gesture and talk about it way too much

There is nothing you love more than surprises. A kiss out of the blue!
A little compliment while showing you off to your friends. A movie night at home, a home-cooked dinner, a surprise day off from work. All of these things count a lot for you. This is great for the relationship also because you are mainly the one who keeps the sparks going even after plenty of years.

You always feel the need to apologise even when you are not the wrong one

Some people are so blinded in a relationship it is pitiful. All they do is give but never get quarter as much as they give. They would do all to make the next person always feel good. Love is indeed strange.

 Pause for a moment, check yourself to know if you are they one most hit by cupid. There is actually nothing wrong with it if and only if the other person feels the same way too.
Source: Relrules



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