3 things that make marriage awesome (you’d want to get hitched)

4 Min Read

Marriage as we know is a union from God, approved by God to be between a man and a woman meant for each other.

According to the bible, there are many benefits of marriage which a lot will enjoy once they get into the union.

Marriage is a lifetime thing, so it is only wise to carefully choose a partner you are very comfortable with. I am not writing this to counsel you (not yet anyway), I just need you to understand why marriage should really be the normal way of life out there, not co-habiting, not single parenting. Here are some of the things that make marriage magical:

It is profitable for the Economy

Imagine if you just have kids and just dump them on the road–who will take care if them? The Government? With who’s money? Taxpayers! Now, if you marry before you have these kids, you all live in the same house, you take care of your kids…everyone is happy!

Marriage continues to be the most profitable union out there. Children who grow up in stable families have much less risk of being either the perpetrator or the victim of a crime. In addition, married men are more successful and earn more money than single men, which means they give back to the economy more than any unmarried man does. You are welcome.

Your children will thank you (later)

Like I talked about earlier, children who are raised by both of their married parents are more likely to not breakup there own marriage. This creates a stable, safe environment for children-one where they have been proven to do better psychologically, academically, and socially. So, by getting hitched to your best friend, you automatically give your children a leg up on tackling the big bad world? Sign me up for marriage!

What is in it for you?

It only human to want to know the benefit of anything you want to get into. Okay let us outline the perks of marriage:
Less depression and fewer problems related to alcohol
Greater social and financial mobility (the ability to move from poverty to wealth)
A longer life
The men make 20% more money
The women have greater physical and psychological health
Both of you experience better sex
Both of you are happier

But are there such things as unhealthy marriages-even abusive ones? Absolutely. And those kinds of marriages are awful, no doubt about it. They are also the reasons a few of us shy away from the union. Do not worry about it, just make the right decision for yourself and you would be fine. So, is marriage hard work? I heard it is a lot of work. But is it worth it? I know it is for me! And, from the looks of it, it seems to be more than worth all of the hard work for everybody else, too. So why not?

However, I’m not saying that all of you bachelors and bachelorettes have to go find yourselves a spouse right now or else you’ll be a menace to society-that’s rubbish. However, when the opportunity to marry comes along, don’t cheat yourself and avoid it, or even worse settle for cohabitation. Put a ring on it and spread the good news!

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