Five Reasons Women Cheat

6 Min Read

While cultural stereotypes inform us that its mostly men who cheat on their wives or girlfriends and not the other way around, clinical research concretely details that nearly as many women cheat as men.

According to Kristen Mark (Ph.D), a sexual researcher, 19% of women cheat. Though the reasons women cheat are often quite different than the reasons men give for cheating.

Women who step out on their husbands or significant others, do so for many reasons. Here are five reasons she could end up in another man’s bed:

1) Her Age:


A 2014 study suggests that women subconsciously attach significance to the “nine-ender” years. When women are in the “nine-ender” years, they tend to become more aware of the passage of time and youth. They tend to do things that are stupid because they feel time is running out on them.

How to fix it: Men need to help their women by focusing on the good of the relationship, planning vacations, fulfilling each other’s fantasies and steer clear of any form of negativity, because according to quality life researcher, Michael Steger (Ph.D), reflecting on what has been achieved or not over the past decade can lead to bleak thoughts.

2) The Money: A woman may cheat not because she needs the money, but because she wants to payback her husband or boyfriend for being a condescending jerk about the way she spends money.


When men try to have too much financial control in a relationship, it breeds major resentment and it can push a woman to seek revenge or rebel in the form of cheating.

How to fix it: Men should try not to be control freaks; rather there should be discussions and agreements about financial responsibilities. This way, you both are accountable for the money being spent.

3) She expects a prince:

Some women have unrealistic expectations about what a long term partner should offer them emotionally and in other ways. According to a study, when people expect perfection in a partner, it usually sets them up for disappointment.

When women come in contact with men who are seemingly incurable romantics; the type of men that buys them flowers, writes them poems, and takes them on dates; they start to compare their partners with these men, and they tend to cheat.

How to fix it: Communication is key. You have to be okay with the fact that you are not perfect and can’t be everything she wants, your woman also has to understand this fact and accept it. And this can only be achieved by extensive communication.

Also, you cannot be a perfect man, but you can work on becoming a better man.

4) She wants to be bad:


According to research, the ovulatory shift hypothesis phenomenon is what causes “smart” women to start considering jumping into bed with rough necked guys; the type of guys they would normally avoid.

As a woman grows older, research says she has a strong impulse to stray if her man is less physically attractive conventionally. This is probably why a bank manager would sleep with a magazine cover model.

How to fix it: Appeal to a more evolved instinct – Her brain. You probably may not be able to work out to get rock hard abs, but as her man, you can stimulate her mentally. Show her that you are smart, successful, independent and committed.

Try to take on activities that would showcase your strengths, and she would think twice about putting your relationship at risk.

5) She just wants more:


She wants to explore, she wants to have sex in a bath tub with candle lights and rose petals, she wants to have crazy, anxious sex in toilet stalls, she wants the “Fifty shades of grey” kind of sex. She wants anything apart from the regular type of sex, and when sexual expectations don’t match, she tends to step out.

How to fix it: According to sex researcher, Debby Herbenic (Ph.D), women cheat for two main reasons,; when they feel undesired or unattractive.

Make her feel desired, do not insult her with stupid comments, do not shut down her talks and ideas about your sex life.

Talk extensively on what you both want and are willing to try sexually. And try to grow into character so as to make your relationship work.

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