Food Combinations You Should Avoid And Why

3 Min Read

Food is essential for the wellbeing of the body however certain food types are not as complimentary as we would like to think and are capable of causing us serious bodily harm when we ingest them.

It has always been a source of curiousity whenever doctors indicate that certain food types should not be taken in tandem with each other. However, this was brought into a clearer view when I spoke with a nutritionists and visited several food sites earlier last month.

Here are some basic food combination that can be fairly dangerous to your health and why.

1.Mint With Aerated Drinks: It is believed that peppermint must never be had along with aerated drinks because it leads to a fatal toxic food combination in the stomach. Cyanide can be formed by the combination of these two eatables if it is mixed in the right proportions. Now what the exact proportion is that is not known but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

2.Dairy products and antibiotics. Some antibiotics, including Cipro, bind to calcium, iron, and other minerals in milk-based foods. “This prevents the absorption of the antibiotics, ultimately decreasing their ability to fight infections”. When you get a new prescription for acne or an infection, ask if the drug falls into a class known as tetracyclines or flouroquinolones. If so, avoid milk, yogurt, and cheese 2 hours before and after taking the pills. And talk with your pharmacist about proper timing if you take multivitamins with minerals—they could have a similar effect.

3.Starchy Food With Fruits: The digestion rates of starch and fruits are widely different and may interfere with each other. This may lead to constipation in the long run which is never a pleasant experience for anyone.

4.Cereal with milk and orange juice. Acids in orange juice or any acid fruits destroy the enzyme that is responsible for digesting starches present in cereal. Also, acidic fruits or juices can curdle milk and turn it into a heavy mucus-forming substance. To keep your breakfast healthy, try having fruit or orange juice 30 min before the oatmeal.

5.Yogurt with fruit. Ayurveda and food combining theory, don’t advise mixing any sour fruits with dairy as it can diminish digestive fire, change the intestinal flora, produce toxins and cause sinus congestion, cold, cough and allergies. Ayurveda suggests avoiding congestive and digestive fire dampening foods like cold yogurt mixed with fruits.

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