Is Potassium your new buddy?

1 Min Read

Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and many of us are not consuming enough, especially when Potassium’s health benefits is put into consideration. Benefits of Potassium include decreased risk for stroke, Improved bone health and brain function, increased metabolism and growth of muscle tissues.
Here’s a list of common sources of potassium.

  1. Bananas- This is one of the most common sources. It contains over 400mg of Potassium and is also a good source of fiber and Vitamins B6 and C. banana
  2. Potatoes- This has about 941 mg of Potassium if and when boiled.
  3. Yoghurt- When made with whole milk,it contains 420mg of Potassium while Plain low fat yoghurt has 380mg.
  4. Milk- The amount of Potassium in Milk depends on the milks fat content. If there is more fat,less potassium is present. Skim and non fat milk both have 380mg.

So here you have it, a few sources where you can top up your potassium.

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