10 Commandments for a Healthy Marriage

4 Min Read


The wedding vows you take during marriage ceremony are sacred, but not enough to cover the whole spectrum of the institution called matrimony. Here are the 10 commandments, which if you follow, will surely keep your marriage intact and healthy.

1. Thou shalt not sleep over a fight

This golden rule ought to be followed if you have been engaged in a furious argument at night. Even if the discussion stretches till 6 am the next day, finish it and only then hit the sack. If you sleep over a fight, the next day will go bad anyway, and you would have disturbed sleep. Kiss and make up before snoozing.

2. Thou shalt respect each other’s choices

If he is a vegetarian by choice, likes seeing mindless comedies once in a while, prefers sports over word games, then respect his choices. Don’t marry to change him.

3. Thou shalt communicate and share

Daily communication and sharing of thoughts, feelings, opinions and experiences are a must. This is what sustains the most important relationship of your life.

4. Thou shalt not get influenced by others

Do what your heart and gut feelings say. Don’t get influenced by a couple of people, be it in-laws, friends, colleagues or even your own parents. No one knows your relationship better than you.

5. Digging up other issues during an argument is not valid

Argue about the current problem on hand. Don’t make the common mistake of lashing out with all your other last misgivings and issues about your partner. This will make things spiral out of control, downwards.

6. Praise regularly and liberally

When you criticize, do it once and gently. When you praise do it with genuine affection and encouragingly. Having patience is the most important thing in a marriage.

7. Thou shall not compare with other spouses

You don’t know others’ stories so don’t nag your partner about a bad quality of his while comparing it to the good quality of your friend’s spouse. Recognize the positives your lover has that others don’t and for which you accepted him as your husband in the first place.

8. Go for date nights at least once a week

Keep the dating romantic spark alive in the relationship by going out for date nights like dinners, movies, picnics, drives, etc., at least once or twice a week.

9. Never become that old aging couple

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to become serious and not indulge in fun young activities. Go to amusement parks, gaming arcades, adventure sporting and other such activities you both enjoy in your youth. Age is just a number, so give a damn about society and live for each other.

10. Thou shall have thine own life

Lastly, remember that you are an individual and just because you have a Mrs. attached to your name now doesn’t mean your life revolves only around your hubby. Continue meeting your friends, indulging in your favorite hobbies, working and all those things you did before marriage for marriage is just a part of life, not life itself. This way space is maintained and you both don’t feel choked by each other’s constant presence in your lives.

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