Nollywood actress turned politician, Funke Akindele, has recently sparked conversations among her fans with her latest social media post. The talented actress, widely known for her role in the popular sitcom series “Jenifa’s Diary” and her work as a film producer, recently took to Instagram to address the reality of depression and advocate for kindness towards others.
In the post, Funke Akindele emphasized the importance of acknowledging the existence of depression and urged people to treat others with kindness. She also offered advice to those who may be struggling with depression, encouraging them to speak up and seek support. Her heartfelt words resonated with many, as she highlighted the significance of empathy and compassion in our interactions with others.
Funke Akindele’s message carried a powerful reminder, stating, “Depression is real. Please be kind to others. Yes, don’t trade your happiness with anything, but still, be humane in all you do. We are all on a journey in this world. Be conscious. Be aware. Share. Make peace. Take risks and be grateful for success and victory. Yet be aware, love, forgive, and stay happy.“
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