The Indian government on Friday approved financial assistance worth nearly 4,300 crore Indian rupees (around 573 million dollars) for the states hit by different natural calamities through the year.
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According to a statement issued by the federal home (internal security) minister, a high-level committee under the chairmanship of the country’s Home Minister Amit Shah approved the central government assistance for the states.
The central assistance was approved from the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF), added the official statement.
The two eastern states, namely West Bengal and Odisha, which were hit by cyclone “Amphan”, were allocated over 2,707 crore Indian rupees and over 128 crore Indian rupees.
For the south-western state of Maharashtra, which was hit by cyclone “Nisarga”, a total of 268.59 crore Indian rupees was approved.
For floods and landslides during the south-west monsoon, a sum of 577.84 crore Indian rupees was approved for the southern state of Karnataka, and 611.61 crore Indian rupees for the central state of Madhya Pradesh.
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The statement further stated that during the current financial year (April 2020-March 2021), the Central Government has released 15,524.43 crore Indian rupees to its different states under the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF). (1 U.S. dollar equals 74.61 Indian rupees)
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