Top four signs to show you are in a bad relationship

3 Min Read

Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but most people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. For some, romantic relationships are the most meaningful element of life, providing a source of deep fulfillment

Recognizing a bad relationship early is not always easy. In the beginning of a relationship, especially the first several months, it is easy to hide your bad side from your partner. Someone’s true colors, their bad side, often take some time to surface. By then you may already have developed feelings for them.

Knowing early can save you from years of heartache and drama. It is better to let go of a bad relationship early, even if it hurts to do so. You may not want to give up right away, but in many cases that would be the right thing to do in the long run.

A key to recognizing a bad relationship early is to look for the signs and pay attention. These signs are your clues that help see what the future really looks like for your relationship.

Here are some things to look for to help you recognize a bad relationship early.
Secrecy: If the person you are dating or in a relationship is very vague about where they are, what they are doing, hiding their phone, recognize this is a sign your relationship is going to have trust issues.

A relationship cannot survive without trust.
If you recognize melodramatic behavior, understand that if it is not nipped in the bud your relationship is going to go bad without a doubt. Drama is one of the main ingredients in many dysfunctional relationships.

Inconsistent behavior makes for bad relationships. If they are not consistent with their feelings, words or behaviors, you will always feel unsure about your status on some level.

Don’t make excuses for them, and don’t always excuse them. Recognize their inconsistency and call them on it early, not later. If they don’t get it together, send them packing.

If your relationship is based mainly on your financial support

It is important to know that while money is essential in a relationship so as to provide the basic needs of each other, money can also not buy love. If your partner focuses more on financial benefits then you are in a bad relationship because in the absence of finance, they may likely walk out on you.

These are some helpful signs for recognizing bad relationships early. Please don’t ignore the warning signs. Save yourself a lot of time and energy by being truthful with yourself, and having the courage to turn your relationship around early, or leave.

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