Early Menopause In Women: Its Causes And Triggers

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Early Menopause: Its Triggers And Causes

When a woman’s ovaries stop producing eggs, this results in low estrogen levels (Estrogen is an hormone that controls the reproductive cycle) which in turn gives rise to what we know as menopause.

A considerable amount of women hit menopause between the ages of 45 and 55.

Normally a woman enters menopause when she has not seen her monthly period for over 1 year, however symptoms like hot flashes begin way before menopause starts (it occurs during the perimenopause period).

Early Menopause In Women

Early menopause usually occurs when a woman experiences it before she clocks 45.

A handful of women who have been affected by this early onset have entered into emotional distress and depression. Others have rushed into wrong marriages or relationships for fear of this development.

To avoid unnecessary fear and anxiety, it is important that we know what gives rise to a case of early menopause in women.

What Causes It?

Damages to the ovaries or an altering of estrogen production can cause early menopause. Activities like chemotherapy and oophorectomy can also serve as trigger clauses.

However, intact ovaries are not enough to protect you from going into menopause early. Let’s take a look at a few of the possible things that can cause an early menopause.


Genetics play a subtle but key role in triggering early menopause; Which is why it is always important to know your mother/ grandmother’s menopausal age. This gives a clue as to when yours might start.

Lifestyle factors

Lifestyle is another huge part of the development. Certain lifestyle like smoking, body mass, lack of sun exposure, engaging in a vegan diet and lack of exercise can contribute to early menopause. Studies show that thin women have fewer estrogen stores (estrogen is stored in fat tissues) which can easily get finished, thus leading to early menopause.

Chromosomal defects

A few chromosome defects can lead to early menopause. An example is the Turner syndrome which involves being born with an incomplete chromosome; women born with this syndrome usually have less functional ovaries, thus resulting in premature menopause.

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are another trigger factor. Diseases like thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis  give rise to inflammation that affects the ovaries.


Women with epilepsy more often than not experience premature ovarian failure, which in turn results into menopause.

Can It be Reversed?

Having understood the basics of early menopause and its causes, you might then be wondering ‘Can it be reversed?’.
Well. the answer is no. Usually, early menopause cannot be reversed, however, treatment can assist in delaying/ lessening the associated symptoms.

Researchers have also been working hard to establish a secure and effective way to help women who have entered menopause be able to still conceive children.

NOTE: Make sure to always consult your doctor for more professional advice.

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