Ghanaian Vendors Accused of Adding Cancer Causing Dye to Palm Oil

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Ghanaian Foods and Drugs Authority have commenced Palm Oil testing in certain markets in the country to determine safety for human consumption.

There were rumours that some vendors have been adding Sudan IV, a cancer causing dye to give it a more attractive colour.

Head of food safety management at the FDA Maria Aba Lovelace-Johnson said “When we find that they have a Sudan dye we will really let the law apply to them.

“You know the law Act 851, the Public Health Act 2012 states categorically that if you adulterate food it is an offence.

“If you put into food any substance that is poisonous or injurious to health you have committed an offence.”

Secretary of the Palm Oil Sellers Association at the Madina market Sandra Danso added that “We don’t know whether they have mixed it with Sudan dye, that is why we are bringing all out.

“From next week they will bring the new ones and we will invite the Food and Drugs Authority to come and test if it still has sudan dye.”

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