Gospel Singer Victor Thompson Opens Up About Difficult Childhood

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Popular Gospel singer Victor Thompson revealed a challenging past in a recent interview with Chude Jideonwo. Thompson, known for his hit song “This Year,” shared that he resorted to selling alcohol, weed, and cigarettes to survive after losing both parents at a young age.

“There was a time I was juggling several things to get by,” Thompson said. “During the day, I’d sell bottled water and work as a cobbler. But at night, I would sell alcohol, weed, and cigarettes near a brothel. Sadly, most of my customers were sex workers.”

Thompson continued by describing the loss of his parents, which placed him in a desperate situation. “I was only around 10 when my dad passed away,” he recalled. “After that, my aunts evicted us from our house, leaving us with nowhere to sleep. Thankfully, a kind carpenter offered us a vacant plot of land. It wasn’t much, but it was a place to stay. For years, I would sneak my mom in at night so we could have some shelter.” He sadly added, “Unfortunately, the stress took a toll on her, and she eventually passed away.”

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