Twitter users had a field day with the Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose social media feud. Kanye, 38, went on an epic Twitter rant at Wiz, 28, yesterday night after the rapper complained about Yeezy’s new album title Waves and made a reference to KK – which Kanye took to be a diss at wife Kim Kardashian.
The rapper lashed out at Wiz’s ‘corny’ music and took shots at ex-wife Amber Rose, who Kanye dated before Kim. And social media users following the beef were quick to create funny memes about the Twitter spat, which was later revealed to be a big misunderstanding when Wiz explained KK was a reference to marijuana, not Kim.
One meme showed an angry Kanye wearing a black Yeezus jersey and standing over Wiz on the basketball court, with rappers Drake and Snoop Dog looking on. The caption was pulled from one of Kanye’s angry tweets: ‘I am your OG & I will be respected as such.‘
Other Tweets referenced Kanye’s admission that Wiz does have ‘cool pants.’
Some corporate Twitter feeds also got in on the action, with Kit Kat weighing in on the KK debate and Kanye’s complaint that the drama was distracting his ‘creative process’ ahead of his new album Waves. ‘Hey Kanye, know what else KK stands for?’ the chocolate brand tweeted. ‘And sorry you had to take a break from your creative process – KK,‘ and added ‘#BestWrapperAlive’ hashtag.
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