Outrage As Miss Bumbum Contestants Dressed In Bikinis Enact A Seductive Portrayal Of The Last Supper

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The Miss Bum Bum contest, which takes place in Brazil, has sparked a lot of controversy as the ladies dressed in bikinis and posed in a seductive portrayal of the last supper.


The photos show eight of the ladies portraying Jesus Christ and his disciples with the sexiest girl acting as Jesus Christ while the others took different positions of the disciples.

Religious leaders have found the picture too disrespectful considering the religious significance of the image. Brazil’s Religious Intolerance Commission has also condemned the picture, calling it a blasphemy unto Christ.


Diana Fegueredo, the model representing the state of Ceara, played the role of Jesus Christ as she posed in a raunchy way to attract the highest number of votes on a display of her bum bum.

However, she wasn’t happy with the vote because of the criticism associated with the image and she has said seeking forgiveness from God was all that mattered.

In her words, “I did the photo because of my contract but I didn’t like it and I wasn’t happy about it because even I am angry and I am in it. I know it is a blasphemy.”

“I am feeling really bad inside me and I am a practising Catholic. Since I did that photo my heart is tight inside my chest and I can’t sleep. I have already asked God for forgiveness and everyone else. We went too far. We have committed a great sin.

The Reverend Father from the Volta Redonda Diocese of Rio Janeiro said the photo had caused a lot of offence to Catholics.

He said, “Everyone’s talking about the image. It has broken the boundaries of ethnics and respect, all in the name of money. This isn’t creativity, it’s the vulgarisation of the sacred and is deeply disrespectful.”


The entire Catholic Church had called out the ladies, condemning the act as immoral and advising the women to add value to their role as a mother, professional and for intellectual and cultural qualities.

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