Banky W, a renowned Nigerian singer and actor, expressed heartfelt appreciation for his wife, Adesua Etomi, during a recent church sermon on June 25. In the sermon, titled “The Prison of Pornography,” Banky W courageously opened up about his past struggle with pornography and highlighted the unwavering support he received from his wife throughout his journey to overcome the addiction.
The multi-talented artist emphasized the significance of finding trustworthy individuals to confide in and seek support from during difficult times. Banky W candidly acknowledged that if there’s one aspect of his life for which he is most grateful to God, it’s his wife, Adesua Etomi. He stressed the importance of having a companion with whom one can communicate freely and urged listeners to carefully choose the right person to confide in regarding their personal struggles.
During his sermon, Banky W revealed that during the arduous battle against pornography, he would spend countless hours conversing with his wife over the phone to strengthen his resolve and resist the allure of temptation. Recognizing the invaluable role his wife played in his victory over the addiction, Banky W expressed his deep gratitude, stating, “If I don’t thank God for anything in my life, I thank God for this woman,” while affectionately pointing to his wife.
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