In the midst of the highly anticipated BBN reunion show, which premiered on Monday, June 19th, the winner of the recently concluded series, Phyna, made shocking allegations against fellow housemate Chichi. Phyna accused Chichi of not only being a married woman who abandoned her children and husband but also of deceiving everyone about her age.
The dramatic moment unfolded during an episode of the reunion show when host Ebuka posed a question about the strained relationship between Phyna, Chichi, and Rachel, the controversial “fake housemate” of the season. The trio had initially formed a strong bond in their shared opposition against Bella and Sheggz. However, their friendship quickly crumbled as tensions escalated during the reunion.
Chichi, caught off guard by the question, bluntly declared that she was never friends with Phyna and Rachel. In response, Phyna lashed out, hurling insulting remarks at Chichi. She accused her of being an older woman, went as far as calling her a stripper, and angrily demanded that she “shut the f*ck up.”
Following the video clip circulating on social media capturing the explosive confrontation, Phyna took to her own platform to clarify that the clip was a compilation of various moments and did not accurately represent her actual response to Chichi’s statement.
The shocking allegations and heated exchange between Phyna and Chichi have ignited a frenzy among fans and followers of the BBN reunion show. Viewers are eagerly waiting for further developments and explanations from both parties involved.
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