
Latest Foreign News

Joe Biden’s Nomination By US Democrats May Be Done Remotely

  The US Democrats' nomination to officially select Joe Biden has the

“Don’t Ask Me, Ask China”- Trump Storms Out Of Briefing After Racist Comment (VIDEO)

US President, Donald Trump abruptly ended a press conference on Monday after

U.S State Police Refuse To Enforce Governor’s Lockdown Order

County Police in the US state of Michigan have refused to enforce

IMF Approves $2.7 bn In Aid For Egypt

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it would give Egypt 2.77 billion dollars

Guterres Flays Killing Of 3 UN Troops In Mali

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has “strongly condemned” the killing of three

COVID-19: 55 Patients Recover after Using Miracle Herbal Drug in Madagascar

A newspaper in Madagascar has reported that 55 COVID-19 patients have recovered

6 Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan As Prisoner Swap Is Halted

Afghan National Council on Monday said no fewer than six members of

South Korea To Avoid Second Wave Of Coronavirus

South Korea on Monday said it had recorded 35 new coronavirus infections

Hungary To Summon Nordic Diplomats Over Rule-By-Decree Row

Hungary will summon the ambassadors of five Nordic countries on Monday over

UK PM Boris Johnson Accused of ‘Confusion’ Over Plan to Ease COVID-19 Lockdown

  British regional leaders on Monday accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of

Hundreds Arrested During Hong Kong’s Mother’s Day Protests

  Hong Kong Police said 230 people, including children, were arrested on

China Berates New Zealand Over Support For Taiwan At WHO

China on Monday berated New Zealand for its support for Taiwan’s participation

At Least One Dead, Several Injured In Iranian Naval Accident

At least one Iranian navy man was killed and several were injured

Australian Anti-Lockdown Protesters Harshly Rebuked By Medical Community

Australians, who broke the law to protest social distancing restrictions, received a

South Africa Records More Than 10,000 COVID-19 Cases

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa has reached

The World’s Longest-Running TV Cartoon Show Switches To Re-Runs as Coronavirus Halts Production

  Millions of Japanese viewers of the world’s longest-running animated cartoon TV

Number Of People Applying For Asylum In Germany Drops Again

The number of foreigners applying for asylum in Germany was down in

COVID-19: Ghana Overtakes Nigeria As Number Of Cases Increase

Ghana has recorded 251 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, bringing the countries

COVID-19: 160 Stranded Nigerians Depart U.S. For Abuja

The first batch of Nigerians stranded in the United States due to

Pharmacist Dies After Drinking Self-Made Coronavirus Cure

An Indian pharmacist has died after drinking a chemical concoction he helped

One Dead After Fire Breaks Out At Moscow Coronavirus Hospital

One person was killed after a fire broke out on Saturday at

More Than 1,000 Queue For Food In Rich Geneva Amid Virus Shutdown

More than 1,000 people queued up, on Saturday, to get free food

Britain To Quarantine Travellers For 14 Days, UK Airlines Association Says

The British government has told airlines it will introduce a 14-day quarantine

U.S. Administration Slammed For Absence In Int’l Efforts Against COVID-19

Expert, senator and former official have criticised the U.S. administration for stepping

7 Killed, 6 Injured In Cameroon Road Accident

A road accident in Cameroon’s eastern region killed seven people and injured

Faroe Islands Says ‘No Active’ COVID-19 Cases

The Faroe Islands – an autonomous territory that is part of the

Kenya, Uganda Suffer Nationwide Power Outages

The East African nations of Kenya and Uganda were on Saturday plunged

Rome to Present 55bn-Euro Aid Package to Prop Up Economy

  The Italian Government on Saturday said it was set to present

Putin Marks WWII Victory Day in Subdued Ceremony Amid Pandemic

  Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday marked the 75th anniversary of

Roy Horn of Las Vegas Magic Duo Siegfried and Roy, Dies of COVID-19

  Magician Roy Horn, who alongside Siegfried Fischbacher starred in a popular,