Help! During Sex My Girlfriend Shouts Things Like “Keep Going! You Can Do It!”

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Q. My Girlfriend the Sex Coach: My GF and I recently started having sex. I’m not sure the best way to explain it, so I’m going to just give you some examples of things she says during sex. “You’re doing great!” “Your technique and fundamentals are really good.” (While going down on her:) “Yes! Keep going! You can do it!” “Wow! That’s good. You must have been practicing!” Mind you, let me reiterate, these are things she is saying WHILE we are having sex. Yes, in the middle of the act, she keeps saying all these words of encouragement. What is she, my coach? I’m just so flabbergasted by this, I don’t even know what to say to her. She doesn’t even really talk dirty, she just will shout all these words of encouragement. I really have to dig deep in my mind for really dirty thoughts to stay in the mood because to me it is so ridiculous that I just want to burst out laughing sometimes. What is this all about?


A: At least she hasn’t said, “And you stuck your landing!” I’m wondering if your girlfriend is an aficionado of the show Girls, because one of the most cringe-worthy scenes was when Marnie and Charlie got back together, and upon having sex again Marnie discovered Charlie’s being with other women had improved his technique, and she shouted out commentary almost identical to what you’re describing. Your problem is, one, that the rule-book of how to have a good relationship says you should bring it up gently when you’re not in bed. You tell your girlfriend how happy you are with her, how wonderful it is that you’ve become intimate, blah, blah, blah. But that her commentary during sex, while meant to be encouraging, is really distracting and you’d appreciate if she’d stop. But what I really would hope is that you simply flop away, laugh hysterically, and say, “Marnie, there’s no way I can score unless you stop coaching from the sidelines.”



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