Yoruba actress, Foluke Daramola Salako, recently opened up about a distressing encounter with a troll who directed a hateful message towards her, expressing his desire for her downfall. The actress took to her Instagram account to share the troubling WhatsApp chat she received from a man identified as Emmanuel Ajibade.
In the conversation, Ajibade unleashed a barrage of insults towards Foluke, criticizing her for what he perceived as superficial behavior. He referred to her as a stupid celebrity and maliciously wished bad things to happen to her in life. His derogatory words were filled with anger and disdain.
“Foluke Daramola, oloriburuku smelling ni e… Werey atoroje lowo Olowo and you can’t help. All you do is eye service on social media. Foolish yeyebrity. You will see your ending, that you won’t end well. Note today’s date. My name is Emmanuel Ajibade. Coate me,” the troll wrote.
Deeply affected by the message, Foluke Daramola shared the disturbing conversation on her Instagram page and sought advice from her followers on how to handle the situation. She expressed her frustration with the troll’s behavior and questioned the appropriate response to such an individual’s malicious intent.
“Good morning, everyone. Someone sent me this on my WhatsApp. Please advise me on what to do to the person, pls???,” she wrote.
In addition to sharing the troll’s hurtful words, Foluke also included a photo of the individual, expressing gratitude that he had inadvertently revealed his identity. With a strong resolve, she stated, “Thank God he sent me his picture himself. I don’t need to engage in too much talk with him. I know what to do.“
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