Spiritual awakening is a process of self-realization that leads to a spiritual state of higher consciousness. You can achieve it through meditation, contemplation, or prayer. It can also be the result of an individual’s near-death experience.
It is accompanied by a profound sense of peace, physical relaxation, and increased awareness of one’s surroundings. Spiritual awakening can lead to many benefits, such as improved mental health, greater creativity and spirituality, more empathy for others, and increased optimism about the world around us.
Causes of Spiritual Awakening
While there are no definitive reasons why spiritual awakening happens to an individual, some of these causes may have contributed to a person’s awakening. Do take note that these causes may vary from one person to another.
Near-Death Experiences
People who have experienced life-threatening moments in their life report experiencing a spiritual awakening themselves. These particular experiences work to transform their lives as well as their perspectives.
At times like these, you must come to the presence of the Almighty Father through a spiritual protection prayer and seek guidance and safety from Him.
Identity Confusion
Like experiencing death-defying moments, confusion in your identity yields identical results.
Whenever you experience the particular identity confusion that some people experience, expect that your spiritual awakening will soon come knocking at your doorstep.
To know more about yourself and your identity, visit this page.
Life-Changing Events
Major life changes can also trigger spiritual awakening. These life-changing events may include and are not limited to illness, death, breakup, or anything that allows an individual to have heavy emotions.
Existential Crisis
Experiencing existential crises in your life may trigger spiritual awakening. When you begin to question life and the meaning of your existence in this world, awakening is deemed to happen.
Signs of Spiritual Awakening
Here are some signs that indicate that you are on your way to spiritual awakening.
Wondering Who You Are
Whenever you wonder about yourself, the meaning of your existence, purpose, and everything in between might point you towards your newly awakened self.
Being More Sensitive to Others
Having empathy towards other people serves as a strong indicator that an individual is on his way toward being mindful of others’ feelings and, later on, spiritual awakening.
Having Lucid Dreams
As you try to understand life, having lucid dreams is part of the process as you seek spiritual awakening. Being aware of your existence requires you to be conscious of yourself and your world.
Feeling Disconnected
Individuals who are on their way to spiritual awakening tend to let go of their past circumstances by keeping their focus on the ultimate goal of enlightenment.
Stages of Spiritual Awakening
The spiritual awakening process happens in a complex and multi-layered procedure that occurs differently from one person to another. However, the following stages can serve as a guide to give you a glimpse of the overall picture of your awakening.
Feeling of Losing Yourself
In this stage, you will feel a strong sense of disconnection and confusion as you can’t find the answer to a question that isn’t defined. During this phase, you will experience a strong feeling of emptiness, and more often than not, this emerges from experiencing difficulties in life like the death of a loved one, changes, divorce, and the like.
Feeling of Dying
In this stage, you see that there is life after the physical death, and this prompts you to look for any explanations that would bring clarity to your weary mind.
As you experience this type of feeling, you begin to envision the unfathomable truth of life.
Seeking for Answers
During this particular stage, you will begin to think about giving answers to your questions. You begin to seek the deeper purpose in your life, its sole meaning and contemplate your spiritual destiny. You start to look through self-help, metaphysical, and esoteric fields to satisfy your hunger for explanations.
As you seek answers and the truth about your life, you actively begin your search for your spiritual awakening.
Searching for Yourself
After looking for the answers, you search for yourself. With the answers that you have found, you begin to tailor your life towards discovering yourself as a unique individual made in the image and likeness of God.
Growing your Soul
Knowing your true self leads you to grow your soul and find a deep sense of connection between you and your Creator. In this phase, you go beyond the physical limits and into the metaphysical realms.
Feeling Deeper
While everything occurs at the same time, you begin to feel a more profound sense of yourself and gain an understanding of the things that surround you. You begin to acknowledge your life and comprehend what was once incomprehensible.
Feeling of Having New You
It is the final stage of anyone’s spiritual awakening. It is where you reap the fruits of your labor. During this phase, you remember who you are and take full control of yourself and your purpose in life.
You begin to feel more confident but not, in any sense, arrogant. You begin to acknowledge the meaning of every circumstance that brought you to where you are now. Finally, you let go of all the things in the past that hinder you from becoming the person you are today.
How to Embrace Spiritual Awakening?
Spiritual awakening is a well-known phenomenon written extensively in the literature and the media. However, not many of us know what spiritual awakening is or how to embrace it.
To help you embrace your spiritual awakening, here are some of the few ways:
- Acknowledge that spirituality is important to you
- Find your spiritual purpose in life
- Meditate or pray
- Take care of your body as your temple.
Educate yourself on the spiritual traps that are strong indicators that you have directed to a false sense of awakening.
- The pride of being the “good person.”
- Acting too innocent and nice to others
- Seeking only the good things in life
- Believing that you are superior to others
Final Thoughts
While spiritual awakening is quite complicated and far from easy, achieving it will drastically improve your life, in its entirety, for the better and allow you to appreciate the beauty of every little thing that surrounds you.
With a little bit of patience, time, and some trial and error, prepare yourself for a fresh and new awakened life. Ultimately, all you have to do is trust the process, and everything will fall right into its place.
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