Supercharge and get rid of morning fatigue without drinking coffee

3 Min Read

We’ve all experienced cases of morning fatigue, where we can’t seem to drag ourselves out of bed no matter the number of alarms we set. At those moments, a good number of us decide to load ourselves with several cups of coffee. But note that taking excessive amounts of caffeine can bring about a jittery feeling or anxiety; not forgetting the number of times you’d need to use the toilet.

I guess what I’m driving at is that there are better and similarly effective ways to charge up and get rid of morning fatigue.

  • Do not press the snooze button

Whatever you do, do not hit the snooze button. Instead, try setting two alarms. The first one will be for 90 minutes before the time you want to wake up and the second alarm for the actual time you want to wake up. This 90-minute sleep cycle hack will allow you to get an hour of ‘extra sleep’ every morning.

  • Drink a glass of water

A basic symptom of fatigue is dehydration and being dehydrated can also cause changes in cognitive ability, bring about mood disruptions, and also trigger feelings of sleepiness. Take a glass of water to hydrate and refresh your body in the morning.

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  • Take time to stretch out and do a little yoga

The muscles become paralyzed when we sleep and so taking time to stretch out reactivates them while releasing some energy-stimulating endorphins. Daily 25 minutes can go a long way in improving brain function and boosting energy levels.

  • Give yourself something worth looking forward to

Sometimes, all it takes to get out of bed in the morning is a little excitement from the events we have planned out. Write down a schedule and include things that can effectively drag you out of bed. It could a workout, breakfast, skincare routine, an important phone call, or your favorite show.

  • Splash some water on your face

Splashing cold water on your face signals an abrupt change of temperature to the brain which shocks it awake. This might do the trick for some people.

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