
Latest Wellness News

The Importance of Rest Days for Mental and Physical Recovery

In the pursuit of fitness and wellness, it's easy to get caught

Overcoming Gym Intimidation: Tips for Beginners

Are you interested in starting a fitness journey but feel intimidated by

The Importance of Self-Care for Mental Wellbeing

Self-care has become a buzzword in recent years, but its significance extends

Getting to Know Yourself Through Exploration

Solo travel is way more than getting to know new places. It

6 Ways to Maximize the Benefits of Your Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serums have become a holy grail for many skincare enthusiasts,

6 Reasons to Embrace Ginger and Garlic in Your Cooking

Ginger and garlic are more than just flavor boosters in your favorite

Conquer Your Week: Powerful Tips for Maximum Productivity

We all know the feeling – the never-ending to-do list, the looming

Don’t Ditch the Sunscreen: 5 Reasons for Daily Sun Protection

Sunscreen is more than just a beach essential - it's a crucial

Stuck in a Weight Loss Stall? 6 Reasons Why the Scale Isn’t Budging

Dieting diligently but the numbers on the scale refuse to budge? It's

5 Unexpected Period Symptoms That Might Surprise You

Periods. We all know the drill: cramps, bloating, mood swings – the

Naija’s Best: Ten Affordable Vacation Spots You Can Visit in Nigeria

Vacationing outside the country can be quite expensive, but luckily, there are

5 ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle in Nigeria

A healthy lifestyle is not hard to attain, contrary to the popular

Monkeypox: All you need to know about the virus, world cases

Monkeypox virus has not only affected Nigeria but other countries in the

Are Covid-19 vaccines really safe and necessary for Children?

The controversy surrounding taking the shots have been endless globally.

Jane the one-legged #EndSARS protester now has artificial leg (Video)

An amputee identified as Jane became popular during the #EndSARS protests in

Why US Senate Leader Mitch McConnell Won’t Recognise Biden As President-Elect

US Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell says President Donald Trump has every right

UNEXPECTED: Top 40 Most Shocking Phobias That People Have

Phobia refers to the term used to describe an irrational, persistent and

Dangers of Breastfeeding While Lying Down – Expert

  Dr Odochi Ewurum, a Consultant Paediatrician at the Federal Medical Centre

Why Aren’t You Losing Any Weight? Here’s The Answer

A lot of us put in much effort in a bid to

Using Deodorants in Armpits Doesn’t Cause Cancer – Expert

  A medical practitioner, Dr Peter Atangwho, on Saturday explained that applying

One Egg a Day, Good for Human Health — Nutritionist

  Dr Adekoya Owosibo, a Nutritionist and Provost, Federal College of Animal

Morning Routine For Healthy Glowing Skin

One of the secrets to a great skin is a good morning

Skincare 101: Knowing Your Skin Type

Have you ever tried a new skincare product only to have it

Dandruff Battles? Try These 5 Natural Home Remedies

Dandruff is one common condition that has continually plagued a good percentage

Simple and Effective Ways To Lose Weight Without Hitting the Gym

The first advice given to anyone that wants to lose weight is

Breast Cancer: Why Self Examination is Important

Breast cancer is one prevalent condition that has affected many individuals, particularly

6 Secret Exercises That Give You Wider Hips

Getting wider hips is probably paramount in your mind right now because,

Always Tired? Here’s Why (And How You Can Avoid It)

It is extremely common for persons to feel tired regularly. Most of

Finding it hard to sleep in the heat? Try this

Of course, it is important to get a good night's sleep but

Having Trouble Sleeping? Take These Foods Before Bed

Health professionals daily emphasize the importance of sleeping well. They usually advise