5 Highly Underrated Practices To Combat Mouth Odor

2 Min Read

Many individuals struggle with the persistent issue of bad breath, scientifically known as halitosis. While regular brushing is common advice, there are several often overlooked practices that can significantly reduce mouth odor. Here are five highly underrated things you can start doing now:

1. Strategic Dietary Adjustments: Certain foods are notorious for causing bad breath when broken down by the body. Foods like garlic, ginger, onions, beans, and eggs can contribute to mouth odor. Making conscious choices to reduce the intake of these items and finding healthier alternatives can make a substantial difference.


2. Incorporate Mouthwash into Your Routine: Using a mouthwash can be a game-changer in the battle against bad breath. Mouthwash not only helps break down bacteria responsible for mouth odor but also rinses away lingering food debris. Opting for an alcohol-free mouthwash is recommended to prevent dryness of the mouth.


3. Embrace Tongue Scraping: The tongue is often neglected during oral care routines, leading to the accumulation of deposits that contribute to bad breath. Incorporating a tongue scraper into your daily routine helps clean the tongue and remove these deposits, promoting fresher breath.

Tongue scraping

4. Choose the Right Chewing Gum: Surprisingly, chewing gum can be an effective solution for combating mouth odor. It stimulates saliva production, which has a cleansing effect on the mouth. However, it is crucial to opt for sugar-free gum containing xylitol to maximize the benefits.

Chewing gum

5. Prioritize Scaling and Polishing: Scaling and polishing, also known as teeth washing, is a dental procedure that is often underestimated in its ability to eliminate mouth odor. This procedure, performed by a dentist, targets plaque, food debris, and hidden dirt around the teeth, providing a comprehensive solution. Additionally, it helps prevent bleeding gums, contributing to overall oral health.

Scaling and polishing

Incorporating these underrated practices into your oral care routine can lead to a significant reduction in mouth odor and contribute to better overall dental health.

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