Renowned Nigerian singer Simisola Kosoko, widely known as Simi, has openly discussed a personal challenge she faced after giving birth to her first child three years ago. Simi, along with her singer husband Adekunle Gold, joyfully welcomed their daughter, Adejare, in May 2020. However, Simi recently revealed in a heartfelt video shared on social media that her eyesight has been impacted since becoming a mother.
In the video, Simi reflected on how her eyesight took a turn for the worse after her pregnancy and delivery. She candidly shared that she used to have perfect vision prior to becoming a mother. However, after giving birth to her daughter, her eyesight began to deteriorate, leaving her with poorer vision than she had before.
Around three months ago, Simi’s condition worsened to the point where she started experiencing double vision. Concerned about the sudden decline in her eyesight, she decided to undergo an eye scan to uncover the cause of the issue. Following the medical examination, a doctor recommended that she start using eyeglasses to help improve her vision.
Simi admitted that she wasn’t thrilled about having to wear glasses, especially since she had enjoyed 20/20 vision before her pregnancy. The unexpected change in her eyesight served as a reminder of the physical transformations that can accompany motherhood, impacting various aspects of a woman’s body.
Singer Simi reveals the heartbrĀ£aking thing pregnancy did to her
— Instablog9ja (@instablog9ja) August 7, 2023
Despite her initial reservations, the singer has embraced this new chapter and recently received her pair of eyeglasses. She showcased her stylish eyewear in the video, demonstrating her ability to adapt and find positivity even in the face of challenges.
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